Du visar för närvarande Luxembourg City, Luxembourg – On the Road 2017: Day 11

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg – On the Road 2017: Day 11

After our short stop in Munsbach yesterday, we started to discuss the possibility to see one more place before heading back home. We had already visited Schengen, Saarburg, and Trier. That’s quite a lot of sightseeing for one day. We quickly decided: yes, let’s make one more stop before it gets dark. The sun was already setting, as we changed our direction and headed towards Luxembourg City.

Finding a Parking Spot

Finding somewhere to park is not always easy when arriving in a larger city. Luxembourg City was no exception. We circulated for quite some time before we were able to find the entry of a parking garage. With the signs showing the directions towards the area, but not telling exactly where to go, it can make it troublesome. The city was also like a gigantic building site, which did not make things any easier. Luckily we found one and as it was already evening, the traffic was light in the capital of Luxembourg.

An Evening Stroll in Luxembourg City

There was still some light left when we emerged from the parking garage at the Place des Martyrs. The first thing we noticed was the impressive buildings around us and we were not even in the center yet. We walked towards the center and crossed the bridge – Pont Adolphe. This bridge would probably have looked really impressive as well if it wouldn’t have been for the construction work going on. Still, it offered a great view down the valley below. Topographically Luxembourg City is a very fascinating city.

In the very center of the city, we noticed that the construction works continued. It felt like most of the city was a construction site. We continued walking along the pedestrian streets that were filled with people enjoying a nice summer evening. The restaurants were crowded and people seemed happy. A live band added its touch to the coziness. It was nice to see a place so alive on a Tuesday evening.

Eventually, we also saw the Cathédrale Notre-Dame. We say ”eventually”, although the city is really compact and it was not very far away. This is yet another impressive cathedral, like in most of the cities that we have visited recently. After one hour and a half of walking around, we headed back to our car. It was nice to see Luxembourg City in the evening instead of during daytime. Especially since there was little traffic, meaning that it was easier to drive.

We most probably missed out on a lot of things, but we are happy with all the things we saw. Also, we are not sure we would have been able to take the baby with us to the most spectacular spots.

That was the last of our five stops on day 11 of our road trip. We will see where we end up next.

Join us on the road through Europe here!

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