Ramsholmen, Exploring Åland, Nature Reserve

Ramsholmen – Exploring Åland

One of the things everyone going to Åland should do is enjoy nature. Ramsholmen is a nature reserve located only a few kilometers from the island’s capital Mariehamn. Here you can take a walk around the reserve to relish the green and lush nature, with flowers everywhere during the summertime and a mirrorlike sea on calm days. There is a path (approximately two kilometers in length) leading visitors around the peninsula and the view along the path can really be absolutely outstanding. Are you looking for a place where you can have a run or a shorter hike? This one will do! If it’s peace and quiet that you yearn for – then look no further!

Ramsholmen Nature Reserve

The area is famous among birdwatchers. We do not know much about birds, but if you are lucky, you might see a majestic swan or two. During certain periods in the summer, there are cows roaming freely in the park. That’s usually enough wildlife for us city-dwellers!

There are spots in the reserve for having a picnic – you may choose whether you want a bench or if the grass is good enough for you. There are also designated areas where one can have a barbecue. Do, however, follow local regulations and advice as fires are sometimes prohibited during dry periods in the summer. Swimming is – as far as we know – permitted. However, the water is quite shallow (not to mention cold), so this is not the best of beaches.

Ramsholmen has almost never failed us when it comes to offering unforgettable sceneries. During our multiple visits, we have had the luck to revel in amazing sunsets and beds of faintly scented and colorful flowers. Mind you, picking flowers is not permitted.

Find Your Way

The easiest way to get to Ramsholmen is to either drive or cycle, it is around 6 kilometers to Ramsholmen from Mariehamn and it is located right off the main road.

More information

If you would like to read more about the site, we can recommend the web pages below.

Jomala kommun (Swedish)
Discovering Finland
Ålands landskapsregering

Looking to Explore more of Åland and Finland?

This post was first posted 2016-01-27, refreshed and updated 2022-07-05

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