
Power Breakfast: Bluberries & Matcha

  • Inläggsförfattare:
  • Lästid:3 minuters läsning
  • Inlägget ändrades senast:2016-06-29
  • Inläggskategori:English / Food
  • Kommentarer på inlägget:7 kommentarer

Summer is berry season and last night I was faced with two dilemmas. First, our freezer is full of blueberries. I need to eat them before I can treat myself to a peaceful berry-picking excursion to the forest. Second, as I value my sleep too much in the morning, I need my morning food intake to be quick and convenient.

After some serious thinking I came up with the perfect option: a tasty chia pudding consisting of matcha milk, frozen blueberries, and chia seeds.


For this delicious mix you need few ingredients. Matcha is finely ground powder of specially grown and processed green tea. The first time I tasted this Japanese delicacy was at the home of our friends and I was instantly hooked. It took me some time (and money) to find some of this wonder tea, but now it’s a staple food in my kitchen. I call it a wonder tea because matcha is considered a super food with many health benefits. These benefits include a high level of antioxidants and various vitamins and minerals.

I picked the blueberries (or bilberries as they would be called in America) in the forest last summer. Fresh and ecological, just as it should be. This is the most common berry in Sweden and you can find it almost everywhere. The vitamin-packed berry is an important ingredient in many traditional foods in Finland as well.

And the chia seeds – don’t forget about them. I like to think that these seeds rich in omega 3, proteins, and vitamins cannot be anything but healthy.

❤  Power Food: Matcha, Blueberries & Chia Seeds ❤


Making this power breakfast is indeed easy and quick. This is how you make two servings (in two small glass jars):

  • Step 1: mix a couple of teaspoons of matcha with 2 dl (approximately 1 cup) cold milk. You can use any kind of milk you like, I opted for normal cow’s milk. Stir and mix well. I used a milk-frother from IKEA.
  • Step 2: add the chia seeds (one tablespoon), keep stirring and mix well.
  • Step 3: pour the mix into the glass jars.
  • Step 4: add the blueberries (fill the jars until full).
  • Step 5: keep in the fridge overnight.
  • Step 6: taste and enjoy in the morning! 


Detta inlägg har 7 kommentarer

  1. Shona Easton

    Sounds nice! Is it a drink or would you eat it with a spoon?

    1. Susann

      Thank you for your comment, Shona. I ate it with a spoon 🙂

  2. Ana Nova

    Love it but not sure what the word -matcha- means?

    1. Susann

      Matcha is powdered green tea – very healthy, and it tastes a bit like grass 🙂

  3. Linda Kaaz

    Sounds and looks great!

    1. Susann

      It was indeed – you should try it 🙂

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