Wine Tasting, Groot Constantia, Cape Town, South Africa

Groot Constantia, South Africa – Southern Africa: Part XV

The Cape Point tour with Carlos Links continued from Mariners Wharf to the other side of the cape. This is usually not the way of doing the tour but on this very day one of the roads was closed and it would not open until in the afternoon. So we crossed the cape with the thought that the next stop would be the penguins at Boulders Beach. But how about Groot Constantia?

Groot Constantia

While driving across the cape our guide Carlos came up with a suggestion. He asked if we would like to stop at the Groot Constantia for a short wine tasting. Groot Constantia is the oldest wine estate in South Africa and its roots date back to 1685. So what kind of people would we be if we declined the possibility of really getting a taste of the wines of South Africa?

Wine tasting cost 75 Rand per person to taste five different wines. For a total cost of 120 Rand, they also included a small piece of chocolate for each wine. As Susann didn’t drink any alcohol at the time, we decided that I could have the wine while she would enjoy some tasty chocolate.

The Wine Tasting

First up was a white wine, a Sauvignon Blanc. None of us are experts when it comes to wines, but we at least recognized some of the grapes. Luckily they did not fill the whole glass, but it was still sufficient to enjoy it for some time. The first glass was followed by a second glass of white wine. This time it was a Chardonnay. My taste buds were not developed enough to actually say if any of these two was good or not. I enjoyed them, but I didn’t notice any bigger difference compared to the wines we buy at home.

The third glass was a glass of red wine, a Pinotage. Once it was time for the red wines they actually tasted a lot better the further on we went. The Pinotage was followed by the Constantia Rood. Another red wine that really tasted great. Eventually, it was time for the last one, the Gouverneurs Reserve. It might have been the effect of the alcohol from the previous four glasses, but this one is probably one of the nicer wines that I have ever tasted. So I was quite satisfied when we got back to the car and continued towards Boulders Beach and the penguins.

Join Us in Exploring Southern Africa

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