Štúrovo, Slovakia, Slovensko, Szlovákia, Esztergom, Hungary, Magyarország, Maďarsko, 2014

Štúrovo and Esztergom, Slovakia and Hungary, 2014 – Remembering the Old Times

One of the things we liked about living in Slovakia was the possibility to go abroad easily. One of the easiest ways was just to cross the border somewhere near Bratislava. Trains and buses to Vienna, Budapest, and Prague were easy enough to find. However, we also had the chance to see other, more unexpected, places without the need of several trains or buses. One of our destinations was Štúrovo and Esztergom. The towns lie on either side of the Danube river, with the Slovak-Hungarian border running in the middle of the river. The bridge connecting the two towns gives a good possibility to walk across the border while enjoying an amazing view. This is the place where we headed the 6th of January 2014.

Susann, Mária Valéria Bridge, Štúrovo and Esztergom, Hungary, Slovakia

Going There?

The train from Bratislava to Budapest makes a few stops along the way. One of these stops is right outside of the Slovak town of Štúrovo – a bit more than an hour from Bratislava. This is also the last stop on the Slovak side before crossing the border. As mentioned, the station is a few kilometers from the center of the town. More precisely, it’s about a three-kilometer walk to reach the center of Štúrovo. The Danube river separates Štúrovo and Esztergom. Both towns are very old, Esztergom is the biggest and most famous of the two. As soon as you reach the center of Štúrovo, you see the giant Basilica of Esztergom watching over the river. It is at that time hard to imagine that somewhere between you and the basilica is both a river and an international border.

Štúrovo, Slovakia, Slovensko, Szlovákia
Štúrovo, Slovakia, Slovensko, Szlovákia
Štúrovo, Slovakia, Slovensko, Szlovákia

The Mária Valéria Bridge between Štúrovo and Esztergom

During our visit, we enjoyed the short walk through the center of Štúrovo, aiming for the bridge across the Danube. Our goal was to walk across the border and that was where we were heading. From the center of the bridge, when looking out over the Danube, you have a great view of the Basilica of Esztergom. This is also the time when you find yourself standing with one foot in Slovakia and the other one in Hungary. There is something special about that feeling and it makes you grateful for the free movement that is the effect of the European Union.

The bridge, the Mária Valéria Bridge, was actually destroyed twice. The first time it happened was right after World War I and during World War II it was time for another attack. It was not until 2001 that the two governments managed to reopen the bridge. Half of the cost of the new bridge was covered by the European union. A short walk, no passport controls, and you are suddenly in a new country.

Mária Valéria Bridge, Štúrovo, Slovakia, Esztergom, Hungary
Mária Valéria Bridge, Štúrovo, Slovakia, Esztergom, Hungary
Basilica of Esztergom, Mária Valéria Bridge, Susann, Štúrovo, Slovakia, Esztergom, Hungary

Exploring Esztergom

It did not take us a long time to start exploring Esztergom. Our first goal was the Basilica and the hill where it is standing. Esztergom was the capital of Hungary from the 10th to the 13th century, until the capital moved to Buda (today a part of Budapest). Walking around the hill on which the Basilica stands really makes an impressive impression. The old buildings and size of everything make it hard to imagine that this is today a quite small town that has less than 30.000 inhabitants.

As we were in town during Epiphany, most places were closed. That gave us the possibility to enjoy the empty streets. At the same time, it made it harder to find a place for lunch. It is common in most of Central Europe for the shops to be closed during holidays and also Sundays. Considering that it was January, we were at least lucky with the weather.

Basilica of Esztergom, Hungary
Esztergom, Hungary
Basilica of Esztergom, Hungary
Basilica of Esztergom, Hungary
Basilica of Esztergom, Hungary

Detta inlägg har 10 kommentarer

  1. Sandy N Vyjay

    The Herons are gorgeous. What beautiful pictures! The first picture however was absolutely stunning. I observed it too much and I guess I am going to make it my laptop wallpaper!

  2. Tatum Skipper

    Some of these names are hard to pronounce haha but Slovakia looks really interesting. There is a place similar to the last picture in Boston, Mass that reminds of here!

  3. Melissa

    Wow, more places I’ve never heard of haha 🙂 The basilica in Esztergom is really gorgeous though. I’ve only ever been to Bratislava, but would love to come back one day and explore some of the smaller towns like you’re doing. It sounds like there’s a ton of history there.

  4. Suruchi

    I haven’t even heard about these places and they are tough to pronounce too.but they look beautiful and great places for exploration. They look like marvels of architecture as well as history. I am in love with your pictures. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. neha

    I am not very aware of the geography and history of Hungary and budapest. But the place seems so beautiful. There are so many things to do and places to explore around. Some of these seem to be interesting architectural wonders. I will love to visit this part of the world some times soon.

  6. Such beautiful architecture captured in your photos. We didn’t make it this far East when we were exploring Europe, but we hope to get back to Europe soon. Hopefully this time we can live in Slovakia like you did and explore around us. So many beautiful places to explore.

  7. Samarpita Sharma

    Reading is said to take you to lands never heard of and this post did just that! I’ll be honest in confessing I’ve never heard of either of the places and reding about them was like reading book! such beautiful places hidden from most of the world to see, what a treasure!

  8. It is the first time we are reading about Sturovo and Esztergom. It is interesting to know about the two beautiful towns separated by an international border and how easy it is to navigate. The Basilica is magnificent and the interior is stunning. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  9. Wow, some wonderful places that I’d never heard of. Love the train and bridges… my favourite mode of transportation. Some great examples of architectural photography towards the end of the post.

  10. Indrani

    I couldn’t do the Sturovo but Estergom – yes! Really loved exploring the town.
    The cathedral there most impressive!

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