Swedish Traditions, Tacos, Weekend

Tacos in the Weekend – Swedish Traditions

If you visit a Swedish family for a weekend, don’t be surprised if they give you tacos for dinner. Don’t mistake it for the Mexican dish with the same name. There are of course several similarities between the Mexican and Swedish versions, but someone from Mexico would probably not agree with the way we are eating it here in Sweden. What we here in Sweden call tacos probably reminds you more of American Tex-Mex. If you consider how popular the dish has been in the last 20 years, then tacos is most likely competing to become the Swedish National Dish.

A Bit of History

Tacos were introduced to the Swedish population in 1982. That’s when Old El Paso first attempted to break into the Swedish market. They did not have much success that first time. In 1991 Santa Maria (Nordfalks) joined the race with increased marketing to change the behavior of the Swedes.  The explosion came at the end of the 90’s and beginning of the new millennium. It had taken several years, but the dish had eventually grown into what is today one of the most common weekend meals in Sweden.

Our Way of Eating Tacos

We tend to eat tacos fairly often. Not every weekend, but at least once per month. We do, however, very rarely fill the table with all the possible sides and options. We usually pick what we like most and add it directly to a plate. But there are times when it is nice and cozy to set the table with all small bowls of different options. That is how we usually did it when I was a kid, having a large buffet, with all the options set up on the dinner table.

Here is what you need for our taco weekend:

  • At least two persons
  • Minced meat
  • Taco seasoning
  • Taco Shells
  • Hot Salsa
  • Cucumber
  • Leaf spinach
  • Pepper
  • Jalapeños
  • Grated cheese
  1. Start the oven and place the taco shells inside.
  2. Person ”1” fries the minced meat, and once the meat properly fried, the person adds the seasoning and let it mix properly
  3. Person ”2” cuts the vegetables in small pieces and mix them all in a bowl.
  4. Place everything on the table, it’s time for dinner.
  5. Fill taco shells with meat, vegetables, salsa, jalapeños and top it off with cheese
  6. Eat

Many Different Options

There really are no limits on how to eat tacos in Sweden, you can make it just how you like it. We have listed common options that we have seen.

Protein Base

  • Minced meat from either beef, pork or chicken.
  • Quorn


  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  • Onions
  • Corn
  • Olives
  • Jalapeños


  • Taco shells
  • Tortillas
  • Pita


  • Salsa
  • Guacamole
  • Sour cream

How do you make tacos? Do you have any specialty of your own? Please let us know in the comments below.

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Detta inlägg har 6 kommentarer

  1. So funny, I had no idea that taco was that big in Sweden! In Denmark, we will eat it the same buffet kind of way but it is not that big a thing after all. In high school, we did it a couple of time in get-together oceasion but simply because it was an easy dish to make.

    Thanks for sharing! I learn something new about Sweden!

  2. gmroeder

    At least two persons! That’s funny!

  3. Mapping The Map

    This sounds like a fantastic plan to share with friends in Sweden. And tacos looks delicious!

  4. Irene

    I didn’t know tacos were such a staple in Sweden, that’s awesome!

    1. Jesper

      It is one of those interesting contradictions here 🙂

  5. Angel

    sorry, but that are not mexican tacos, that are USA tacos

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