Our Trip To, Southern Africa, Traveling to Namibia

Traveling To Namibia – Southern Africa: Part III

  • Inläggsförfattare:
  • Lästid:7 minuters läsning
  • Inlägget ändrades senast:2022-08-16
  • Inläggskategori:English / Namibia / Travel
  • Kommentarer på inlägget:3 kommentarer

In the previous post about our trip to the southern countries of the African continent, we were about to leave Johannesburg. It was time to catch a flight to the capital of Namibia, Windhoek. This is how you pronounce it in case you want to know: /ˈvɪnt.hʊk/

Flying to Namibia

There are several daily flights from Johannesburg to Windhoek. Our South African Airlines flight departed at around 2 a.m. and it took approximately two hours before we landed at the Hosea Kutako International Airport. Before boarding the aircraft, we had a tasty lunch at the airport. Mugg and Bean was a good choice for quick food with no hassle in South Africa, we noted. The ride was bumpy, so I was quite relieved when the plane stopped in front of the terminal. The airport is very small for being an international airport and it lies about 45 kilometers from the capital. Fortunately, the queues were short and swift, so it did not take us long to pass through immigration.

Johannesburg, South Africa, South African Airlines, O.R. Tombo International Airport

Renting a Car

Our plane arrived quite early, so we had to wait for about 45 minutes before we could pick up our rental car from Avis. Actually this was the first time for us to rent a car abroad. In the case of Namibia we felt that we would not get far without renting a vehicle. We booked the car at home (which was a good idea, there were not that many cars available). Apart from Avis, also Herz and Europcar had cars at the airport.

After the inspection and the formalities we were ready to hit the roads of Namibia – on the left side! Although the airport is fairly far away from the city, getting there is easy. Drive straight ahead! Jesper bought a Namibian sim-card at the airport for the internet, so we were able to use google maps in order to find the way to our destination.

A note about the airport in Windhoek: it’s very small. You will find a small shop for souvenirs, a couple of places for exchanging money, a phone shop, the car rentals, as well as restaurant at arrivals & departures. Do you not expect to remain entertained for long!

Namibia, Arebbusch Travel Lodge, Avis, Car, Parking

First Night in Namibia

On the way to the capital we saw some bits and pieces of what was to come: warthogs grazing peacefully along the main road! Our accommodation for the first night, the Arebbusch Travel Lodge, was perhaps the most impersonal of all the places where we stayed. However, the staff were nice, the beds comfy and the food edible, so there was no reason to complain. The lodge is 10 minutes away from the Windhoek city center and very near the modern Grove Mall of Namibia.

The breakfast was tasty in my opinion (they had rye bread). I don’t think Jesper agreed, though. However, after a good night’s sleep and breakfast it was time to continue our journey up north.

Namibia, Warning, Flooding

Have you been to Namibia? Did you like it?

Join Us in Exploring Southern Africa

Here are all the posts belonging to the series about our trip to South Africa and Namibia. Read the parts by clicking on the links below:

Join us as we explore Southern Africa

Detta inlägg har 3 kommentarer

  1. runningtotravel

    I’m enjoying following along on your journey. I have heard a lot about Namibia lately, it seems (other bloggers going there). It seems like an exciting place to visit and I’ll definitely have to add it to my list!

    1. Jesper

      Namibia really was an amazing country to visit, I can really recommend it. 🙂

  2. Amazing! I know nothing about traveling all over the country, what a wonderful looking place to explore.

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